Piers Morgan To Be Deported?
By Zoƫ A. Porter
One of the most ridiculous news around christmas was that members of one of the lobbygroups for gun owners in the U.S. have filed a petition to deport the british journalist Piers Morgan from the U.S. Morgan, who runs the show Piers Morgan Tonight, on CNN, had attacked Larry Pratt, spokesman of the lobbygroup Gun Owners of America in the wake of the horrific mass shooting at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut.
Pratt had demanded to arm the teachers with half automatic guns, so they can shoot in “self-defense”, on which Morgan responded: “You’re an unbelivably stupid man, aren’t you?”
Morgan later in the interview called Pratt an idiot.

Now, I’m aware that Piers Morgan is not uncontroversial, to put it mildly. He has been an editor for some of the most infamous tabloids in the UK. Among them, the despicable News of the World. Allegedly, he has been involved in the phone hacking scandal when he was an editor for the Daily Mirror. In my view, working for the News of the World alone undermines his credibility.
Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson just asked on Twitter not to send Morgan back to us. But then, Clarkson and Morgan have an ongoing feud since 2003, and Clarkson is a grumpy old (not to mention: sexist) fossil from a bygone era. That’s actually part of why I like Top Gear. This guy is so fallen-out-of-time, that it’s impossible to take him seriously!
In this particular case however, Morgan is right. I mean, seriously: What else can you call Mr. Pratt, if he actually wishes to arm school teachers. If he honestly believes that bigger guns mean more peace? Not to mention, that his claim that the open-carry-states have less gun violence, is not backed by anything.
Seriously, Mr. Pratt: If you think that through, you should allow people to have your own artillery, or cruise-missiles to defend your property. And hey, why aren’t US-citizens allowed to have their own private nuke in the backyard? If the 2nd amandment bans all weapon control, everyone should be allowed to have their own stash of nukes, right? By your logic, the world should be a very safe place then!
How many more children have to die, until you stop jerking off on the sight of big cannons? If you insist, send us back Piers Morgan. I’d rather not have him, but maybe we can put him one a show, where he and Jeremy Clarkson insult each other for 45 minutes (or, to spice things up, have a decent cake fight). But do us all a favour, and stay far away from my country!