More Gun Ridicule
By Zoë A. Porter
I’ve blogged on this before, but the gun control debate in the U.S. has reached a new peak. CNN talk-show host Piers Morgan has actually invited Alex Jones, who is the guy who filed the petition to deport Morgan from the U.S. Well, it could have been an intersting debate on private gun ownership, if there had been a debate. Instead Jones was presenting himself as a foam-at-the-mouth lunatic.

Now imagine this ravaging madman waving a gun. Scared yet?
Alex Jones is a talk show host, conspiracy theorist and self declared paleoconservative (a made up term that intends to show, that the other conservatives are in truth all liberals in disguise). Jones is known for his aptly named radio talk show The Alex Jones Show. This show is basically Alex Jones talking, or more precisely yelling into the microphone to spread wild conspiracy theories. He is also the mastermind behind the infamous conspiracy website
Among his favourites are, that the U.S. government was behind the 9/11 attacks, plans for the government to mind control their people, chemtrails and so on. His latest scoop is, that he claims the U.S. gouvernment has actually staged the school shootings at the Sandy-Hook school in Newtown, to present a reason for stripping people of their firearms.
Glenn Beck, yes the very same Glenn Beck who thinks Norwegian kids, who had been shot by Anders Breivik, are the modern day Hilter-Youth, said about Jones that he was “a real danger”.
And further on, Beck stated:
“That sounds like the ravings of a fascist. That’s what that sounds like. And, quite honestly, I believe what that guy is.”
Really, being called a facist, and thus too far right, by the mouthpiece of the right-winged Tea Party movement, that is somewhat of an archivement.
But really, if I ever travel to the United States, I will be careful not to be anywhere near a place Mr. Jones might pass through. This man claims to own 45 guns after all.