Want To Do Some Good?
By Zoë A. Porter
I think I have been writing about Zoë Keating before. If not here, then on Twitter. I have been listening to her music ever since she played second chair in Rasputina, and she has been my favourite artist ever since.
If you don’t know her, Zoë is a one woman orchestra. By using sampling and looping technologies, she creates complex and inticrate music with just one cello. All live and in real time.
This is how she sounds like:

Lately she had to deal with some really serious blows, when her husband was diagnosed with stage IV cancer, and she even had to deal with her insurance company, because they initially wrote that they denied her claim for the lack of medical neccessety for the treatment her husband received. Weird standards, considered that they just saved the husbands life in the clinic.
Anyway, Zoë has a small child at home, and the family makes a living from her work as an artist. For obvious reasons, the planned tour and new album are put on halt for now, and it’s not clear yet, if the insurance company won’t attempt playing another dirty trick to avoid paying.
Therefore, Zoë has asked her fans for their support. How you can do that?
You can go to her Website and click on the donate button, or -even better- you can buy her music. In that case, you can choose to pay more than the price tag. You won’t regret it!
I wish all the best to Zoë and her family, and keep my fingers crossed for a quick recovery.