Wolfblood Pop Culture Quiz
I’ve just been going through the recorded shows on my PVR, while I am waiting for a compiler run to finish, and I just realized that in series 2 of my current favourite TV-show, Wolfblood, someone had a sense for pop culture references. It seems, every episode of series 2 is either derived from the name of a song or a film, or another famous quote. Since I’m a little bored, right know, I decided to assemble what I found so far.
A Promise That I Keep
Home again. I had a great time in Northumberland. Although I admit, it can get a bit lonely, if you go to a place like Kielder alone. I spent a lot of time walking, and also, as I have stated before, I drove around to visit several sites. And, being in the north, I couldn’t leave out Lindisfarne, could I?
It’s really cool. especially on a stormy day!
And guess what was the first thing that came into my mind? Right:
OK, I haven’t blogged much lately, mostly because I had so much work, I just couldn’t get myself to blog. And stories? Oh, well. Still working on my first novel. I’m hopeful to see the thing finished by the end of the year. But no promises…
Now I’m on a holiday in Northumberland, and I must say: Good decision. Even during the bank holiday it wasn’t overcrowded, the air is fantastic and it’s wonderfully quiet. And did I mention there is no mobile signal here? So my boss can call as he wants, he won’t be able to reach me. It might be a major inconvinience to the locals, but for me it’s heaven. If you ever worked in the software industry, you know what I’m talking about.
How You Are Tracked On The Internet
“You’re good with computers, aren’t you?” When I hear this question, I know that either someone wants their broken Macbook repaired for free, or -what has become a more frequent question lately- asks me about how this data collection stuff on the internet works.
In the wake of the revelations on NSA and GCHQ spy programs more people than ever have asked me about it, and how they can protect themselves. Therefore, I decided to do a blog article about it. I will not cover much of the secret service programs, because I don’t know more than the newspapers. What GCHQ does is basically plugging into an overseas cable, and dumping all the data that comes through to a serious batch of hard-drives.
The Evolution Of RPGs
I am writing about this game, because I’m found it to be an original idea, and thought it might interest anyone. I am in no way affiliated with the Shiro Games. I have not been paid for this text, and I have bought the game with my own money. In short: This is not an advertisment.
I recently stumbled across this funny little game, called Evoland. It is basically a role playing game, that, during the course of the game, let’s you walk through the history of the genre. At that quite literally: When the game starts, you see a low resulution LCD-style graphic that looks a lot like that from the original Game Boy. You can only move to the right until you encounter a chest. That will unlock the move left. Next you get full 2D-Movement, smoother scrolling, gradually more colors and so on.
Are You Kidding?
In the UK, human rights are not for everyone. At least of justice secretary Chris Grayling and home secetary Theresa May have their way. According to the Guardian, they claimed that a future Tory government plans to scrap the Human Rights Act from 1998, which incorporates the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) as law in the UK.
In plain English: If they succeed, UK laws do not need to be in accordance with the human rights anymore. Mr. Grayling said to the Sunday Telegraph:
More Gun Ridicule
I’ve blogged on this before, but the gun control debate in the U.S. has reached a new peak. CNN talk-show host Piers Morgan has actually invited Alex Jones, who is the guy who filed the petition to deport Morgan from the U.S. Well, it could have been an intersting debate on private gun ownership, if there had been a debate. Instead Jones was presenting himself as a foam-at-the-mouth lunatic.

Now imagine this ravaging madman waving a gun. Scared yet?
Piers Morgan To Be Deported?
One of the most ridiculous news around christmas was that members of one of the lobbygroups for gun owners in the U.S. have filed a petition to deport the british journalist Piers Morgan from the U.S. Morgan, who runs the show Piers Morgan Tonight, on CNN, had attacked Larry Pratt, spokesman of the lobbygroup Gun Owners of America in the wake of the horrific mass shooting at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut.
Hottest Video Game Characters: Faith
Today at work, we had a discussion on who is the coolest and hottest female video game character. My collegues, all of whom are male, where soon discussing who’s hotter: Lara Croft (Tomb Raider) or Shahdee (Prince of Persia).
First of all, Shahdee of course, is not a heroine, for she’s not a playable character, and she’s evil. And she is a good example for a character that is oversexualized to the point of ridicule. Her armor is so tiny, that it leaves her not only unprotected, but almost naked. Why games can’t depict women in reasonable armor, I don’t know. As you can see here, this can be very sexy.
New feature: Article Comments
As a final step to finish my new site, I now have added a commentary function to each story and article.
For reasons of spam-protection, I have set up a CAPTCHA system, that will test if you are a human, and you need to provide a valid e-mail address.
I will not use your e-mail address or other personal information you provide, for any other purpose, than validating that you are indeed a human and not a spam-bot.