Tales From Mako Island
By Zoë A. Porter

Summary: Alternate universe storyline. Set after the events of Series 1, the girls have to face new feelings and an old adversary.
Pairing: Emma/Rikki; Cleo/Lewis
Rating: PG (13): mild violence, strong language, nudity
License: copyright on all characters by Johnathan M. Shiff Productions Pty. Ltd.
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A Cry In The Wilderness
The flickering of the neon lights reflected on white gazed tiles, giving the room an eerie glow. The woman in the lab coat looked through her microscope, scribbling notes on a notepad, without lifting her eyes from the ocular. She was an attractive woman in her mid-thirties, or at least she would have been, if she replaced the stern and slightly arrogant expression on her face with a smile, once in a while.
The door flew open, and a young lab assistant stormed into the lab. He saw the woman and immediately slowed down, obviously regretting his wild entrance. “Um, Dr. Denman?”, he asked, his voice trembling a bit.
“What?”, the woman shot at him, without looking up from her work.
“I…I think you should see this”, the man answered, “It might be important.”
Dr. Denman gave him a look as if he was a disgusting insect. “Alright, then”, she said with a tone, that didn’t leave any doubt, that she did not believe the young man would recognize something important, when it poked him right on the nose. Anyway she went after him through the door.
In the next room, the man had his own lab table. He gestured towards his microscope, urging Denman to take a look. She looked into the microscope and shrugged.
“And? It’s a hair, human I guess”, she stated with an impression that said “How dare you interrupting my work for this?”.
“A hair indeed, but not an ordinary one. Have a look”, the assistant took a pipette and dropped some water onto the slide. There hair seemed to vanish for a split-second, and then changed color into a bright coppery red.
“Mmh, interesting.”, Denman’s curiosity was now wakened. “Where did you get this from?”
The assistant looked over his notes. “It is from the cave on Mako Island. Where we tried to recover the mermaid girls.”
Denman looked at the assistant, obviously pondering the situation.
“But if this is from the girls”, she said, more to herself than the assistant, “they must have tricked us!”
“There is something else”, the assitant said. “I’ve analyzed the hair. It’s color is artificial. Feria Red, to be accurate.”
“So we’re looking for a mermaid with a taste for Boot’s? Right. And I think I know exactly the place to look for her.”
Rikki went around the corner on school grounds, to see her friends waiting for her outside the school yard. Emma was standing beside Cleo and Lewis, who had put an arm around Cleo’s waist. Rikki looked at the slender silhouette and immediately felt butterflies swirling around in her belly. She always had this strange affection towards Emma, but ever since Emma had kissed her, in that fateful night during the last full moon, Rikki couldn’t deny that it was more than friendship, she felt for blonde girl. She didn’t know how Emma was feeling about this, she had neither rejected her, nor had she shown any sign, that the feeling was mutual. In fact, ever since her mysterious remark about Cleo finding out “what was going on”, she hadn’t mentioned any of what happened between them on Mako Island at all. Anyway, she was a bit awkward towards Rikki, but she never dismissed her, nor was she evasive. Rikki decided she would not figure it out this morning, and walked over to her friends.
“Hi Rikki”, Cleo hugged her and gave her a quick kiss on the cheeks. Lewis tried to play it cool, as he greeted her “Hey, Ricks”. Rikki tried hard not to laugh. Lewis was a lovely boy, and probably the most loyal boyfriend a girl could have, but coolness was not his thing. She returned his greeting with a “Hi” and a pat on his shoulder, then turned towards Emma.
Emma didn’t say anything, but smiled this cute smile, that made Rikki feel weak in the knees everytime. She hoped she didn’t blush, when she hugged Emma.
After having their usual welcome, and the daily update of gossip, Emma suddenly turned serious:
“Weather forecast 3:30pm, moist with streaks of rain”, she announced. “What’s the plan for getting home unseen?”
“I’d say we wait until everyones gone, head to the beach, and swim”, Cleo suggested. “We can meet up at my place, without being seen”
“If Mrs. Dorset is still sick, I’ll be off an hour early”, Emma announced. “So mum and dad expect me home”.
“You could call them, and say Mrs. Dorset is back at work, then come with us”, Rikki replied, grinning.
Emma blushed. “You know that I don’t like to lie to my parents, it’s bad enough I can’t tell them about you-know-what.”
“Relax Emma. It’s not that you have to tell your folks about everything you’re about. You’re a grown woman. Well OK, almost a grown woman”, Rikki winked. “I just don’t want to keep secrets from them” Emma sighed.
Rikki rolled her eyes. It wasn’t that Emma’s folks were control freaks. It was more a bit of the other way around. Emma kept a tight schedule of everything she did, always going according to the plan. Normally this reliability was one of the things that Rikki liked about her friend, but at times it was just getting on her nerves. They were teenagers after all; they were obliged to disobey and be rebellious. But she knew she wouldn’t change her friend, so she dropped it.
The school bell ended their planning, and they headed off for class. Neither of the four noticed the figure, lurking in the shadow of the trees just outside the gate to the school grounds, watching them walk away.
Twenty minutes later, the doorbell of the Gilbert house rang. Mrs. Gilbert was just getting ready for work, when she answered the door. “Yes?”
“Mrs. Gilbert?”, the woman outside the door was none other than Dr. Denman, showing the of her institute badge only for a second, so that it looked official, but Mrs. Gilbert hat no chance to read it.
“I’m with the school board, my name is Dr. Denman. Do you have a second to spare?”, Denman smiled sweetly.
“What is it about?”, Mrs. Gilbert was confused.
“Well, since this concerns your daughter, it would be nice if she could join us.”
“What?”, Mrs. Gilbert looked puzzled. “Emma is at school, you should know that, since your from, you know…the school.”
“I was afraid you would say that, I was hoping she might be here, and all of this was just a misunderstanding.” Denman sighed melodramatically. “Emma hasn’t been at school very often lately. She has been cutting class regularly for the past three month.”
“Are you sure, that’s my daughter you’re talking about? Emma has never cut class in her entire life, and she is reliable as a clockwork!”.
“Well, Mrs. Gilbert, I know it’s hard to understand, especially because your daughter has been an exceptionally good student, but she is sixteen, and at that age, kids sometimes try to be rebellious.”
“Not my child, no. She is, sometimes, more grown-up than me. She never forgets anything, and she has never been late!”
“Did you notice any changes in her behaviour, lately?”
“Um, well, she gave up swimming, that was startling. It was always her favourite thing, and then, she suddenly stopped going.”
“Any new friends?”
“Well, basically there is Cleo and Lewis, but they have been friends since Kindergarten. And I think they are hanging out with that Chadwick girl; her family is new to the neighborhood”
“Ah,yes. Rikki Chadwick. That girl has quite a reputation.”, Denman gave a troubled look to Mrs. Gilbert.
“Has she? I always thought she was very nice. What is she accused of?”, Emma’s mother looked quizzically at her opponent.
“I am sorry, Mrs. Gilbert, but I’m not at the liberty to discuss the details of other students files.”, Denman answered, with an expression of regret on her face, which was as honest as her fraudulent smile. “I can only tell you, that Rikki’s family has a history of troubles, and Rikki has been expelled from school before.”
That was a straightforward lie, but it didn’t fail it’s indented effect.
“Is it drugs?”, Emma’s mom asked.
“Please, Mrs. Gilbert, don’t get upset. It’s too early to jump into conclusions. Maybe your daughter is just trying out her borders, and wants to play the rebel without a cause for a while. Just look for the signs, and have a chat with your daughter.” Denman answered in a false friendly tone.
“But that Chadwick girl is doing drugs?”, Mrs. Gilbert panicked.
“I am sorry, but I am not at the liberty to discuss that, Mrs. Gilbert. Please, talk to your daughter, and try to work this out. If you need any help at all, give me a call, any time of day. I really wish to help you, so don’t hesitate!” Dr. Denman handed Mrs. Gilbert a card, which read:
Dr. Alice Denman
Family Counselor and Child Psychiatrist
and a mobile phone number. It looked very official, and Denman’s assistant had worked for about an hour and a half, to make it look real.
Emma came home an hour early, because Mrs. Dorset had still been ill, so the last two classes where dropped. It had the advantage, that she could get home comfortably, before the rain set in.
Even more was she astonished to see her mom at home at this time of day. Her mother was wearing a stern expression, and looked quite angrily.
“Hi, mom”, Emma hopped over into the kitchen, to give her mother a quick kiss, but stopped on the look in her eyes.
“Everything OK?”, she asked.
“I should ask you that!”,her mother replied in a grave voice. “Where have to been?”
Emma looked puzzled “School of course, where else? Mrs. Dorset is still sick, so I came in early.”
“Do you really think I believe that? The school was here today, young lady, informing me, that you’ve been cutting class, and that you’re about to flunk out! I have been worried sick all day!”
Emma stared back in disbelief.
“Mum, I never cut class! Ever!”
“You could really show some respect, and admit it, now that you’ve been caught!” Mrs. Gilbert said.
“Mum, I swear that I did not cut class! I can show you”, Emma pulled her Filofax from her backpack.
“I never…” Emma fell silent under her mother gaze.
“To your room! Now!” Mrs. Gilbert demanded. Emma was too shocked to protest, so she went upstairs to her room. Her brother Elliot stood at the top of the stairs, grinning.
“Not a word!”, Emma gave him such a dark look, that his smile faded in an instant, and he retreated to his room.
In her own room, Emma threw herself on the bed, still to shocked to cry. She grabbed her phone, and dialed the first number, she could think of.
“Hi Rikki!”, she said flatly into the receiver.
The moment she heard Emma’s voice, Rikki knew something was wrong.
“What’s wrong, honey?”, she asked, biting her lips after she said the last word.
“I don’t know, mum’s just told me, I am about to flunk out of school.”
“Huh?”, Rikki wondered, “You’re the best student in class!”
Emma told Rikki, what happened between her and her mother.
Rikki was was flabbergasted. “So, someone came to your door, and told your mom you’re cutting class, and she simply believed it?”
“I guess she had credentials of some sort.” Emma was fighting tears. “Rikki, who would do something like that?”
“I don’t know, but sure as hell, I’m gonna find out. Until then, don’t worry. The school knows you’re not cutting class, this will be clarified soon. We’ll talk to the headmistress tomorrow morning. Someone is just playing a mean joke on you.”
The next morning, Mrs. Gilbert drove both her kids to school. She dropped off Elliot, before she and Emma went on to see the headmistress.
They hadn’t been talking much, since the fight last night, and Emma knew her mum was not in the mood for any further debate.
They reached the headmistress’ office, and Emma never felt so small before. Her heart was racing, and her hands where sweaty. Even though she had nothing to fear, she felt guilty.
She was told to wait in the hall, while her mother entered. The following 20 Minutes, where the longest in Emma’s life. When her mother finally got out, Emma’s heart sank. Her mother didn’t look satisfied or relieved, but rather upset.
Her mother came up to her. “I am so disappointed in you.”, she said.
“What did she tell you?”, Emma asked. “Well, it seems they have a computer problem, so she couldn’t get your current grades. But Mrs. Dorset left a note, that you where cutting class, and some teachers think, you’re general behaviour is, well…odd. I think you’re in for counseling. When I’m at the office, I’ll make an appointment for you, young lady. Off to class now!”
Emma just sat there, watching her life floating down the drain. She said nothing.
“Counseling!” Cleo cried, “She’s not serious!”
“She is, believe me”, Emma said flatly.
“How can it be though”, Lewis chipped in, “that they have a computer problem, and Emma’s file goes missing, right on the day, she needs it.”
“Miriam?”, Cleo asked.
Rikki shook her head. “If this is a set up, it’s far to elaborate for Miriam to pull it. Someone went through some length to pull this stunt.”
“If it is a setup”, Emma chipped in, “and it still can be a very stupid twist of fate, who would do such a thing. And why do it to me?”
Rikki couldn’t help but putting her arm around Emma’s shoulders, pulling her near.
“I don’t know, but we’ll see through this. Promise.”
Emma leaned against Rikki and sighed. Rikki however felt the blood rush to her face, as she felt the warmth of Emma’s body.
“Erm, yes. So what do we do?”. She pulled back her arm a bit too hasty. Emma looked at her as if she was disappointed. Rikki felt her spine tingling, and couldn’t help the feeling her face grew even hotter. Strange enough, the other two didn’t seem to notice.
“Well, not so much at all”, Emma cut in. “It isn’t that serious yet. I mean, mum only wants me to see that counselor for now. I’m not sure, she’s even convinced that all this cutting class talk is true. And if Mrs. Dorset comes back, she will surly resolve this. I don’t think she wants to put me into trouble.”
Cleo laughed. “Keep up that spirit!”
Emma’s spirits weren’t that high, when she sat alone in her bedroom later that night. Her mother had set up a counselling session for her the next day, and Emma really didn’t know what to tell the counsellor. After all, her behaviour had been unusual, and she did lie to her parents. She felt guilty, although the accusations against her were wrong.
For a moment she considered going downstairs, and telling her mum and dad the truth, but she was too scared to do so. Instead she pulled out her cell phone and dialled Rikki’s number.
“Hi Rikki, me again.”
“Hey! How are you?”, Rikki’s voice on the other end of the receiver was calming her down. Happy to hear her friends voice, she told her about her concerns. “Ok, I’m coming over.”, Rikki decided.
“Now? Mum and Dad will not allow that.”
“Who said, we’ll ask them for permission?”, Emma thought she could hear the grin in Rikki’s face. “Or what do you think that tree in your garden is for?” Rikki sneaked up from behind the Gilbert house, trying to stick to the shadows. She felt the blood rushing through her veins, and she felt every heartbeat. Never had she felt so alive before. She had spent nights away from home without permission before, and it always was a kick, but this time there was also the prospect of seeing Emma, that made her heart pound even faster.
“It’s like a secret date”, she thought, although she was aware, that Emma might not see it as one.
She reached the tree in the garden and glanced over to the house. There was light in the living room, but the shutters where closed. The bluish flickering of the television sparkled through the cracks between the window frame and the shutters.
“Easy as pie”, she thought, reaching for the lowest branch. While she was pulling herself up the branch, she was, only for a moment, in the full light from the window. But no one saw her.
The higher she climbed up, the easier it got, and within moments, she was on a level with Emma’s bedroom window.
She reached into her pocket, finding a handfull of m&m’s she had put there a while ago, took one out, and threw it against the window pane.
The window opened almost immediatly. “Rikki?”, Emma whispered.
“Yes, it’s me. Can I come in?”
“Sure. Mom and Dad are downstairs, and the little twat is in bed already”, Emma replied.
“Ok, I’ll come over” Rikki replied.
Getting from the tree onto the roof was trickier than she had thought, however. She tried to reach over, but it was to far. So she balanced on the branch she had been sitting on, and prepared herself to jump. When she rose up, Emma realized what she was about to do. “Don’t!”, she cried out, a little to loud for Rikki’s taste. She closed her eyes and jumped. It was only a few feet, but from here, and in the darkness, it looked damn high, and she knew she would break her legs if she fell.
She felt herself flying though the air, the blood rushing in her ears more than ever. With a loud thud, she landed on the roof, immediately grasping for hold. She got hold of the window sill, when she heard someone in the house stirring. “What’s going on up there?”, Mrs. Gilberts voice echoed from downstairs.
Emma looked paniked, but got herself under control again, when she saw that Rikki was beginning to climb through the window. Emma went to the door, opened it just a little, and cried
“There’s a cat on our roof mum, nothing to worry, I just got a little spooked, when I heard it!”
“Oh, Ok.” Mrs. Gilberts voice replied. “Are you coming downstairs?”.
“No mum, I’m going to do some homework, and then to bed. Good night!”
“Good night, honey!”
Emma closed the door, and turned the key. “Phew. That was close.”
Rikki sat on Emma’s bed, panting.