Steel And Poppies
By Zoë A. Porter

Summary: Alternate universe storyline. Set after the events of "The Mottled Poppy". Maddy and her friends face a new threat from werewolf hunters, and have to resort to a stranger named Logan for help.
Pairing: Logan/Maddy
Rating: PG (13): mild violence, strong language
License: copyright on all characters by Marvel and BBC
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Only moments later two huge wolfs came running from the undergrowth. Maddy looked at them, as they approached.
“Mom! Dad!” Maddy cried. Emma immediately turned into human form, and rushed to her daughter.
“Oh, darling, my love, mum’s here” She pulled her daughter into a tight embrace and cradled her gently, like a little child.
Logan let go of the girl, to allow Emma to comfort her daughter and got up.
She watched Daniel, who was still in wolf form, sniffing the ground, and then making for the woods, where Earl had disappeared. Quickly, she ran over to him, to block his way.
“Daniel, don’t!” She said. Daniel growled at her threateningly, and tried to get past her.
“You don’t want to go after him. Trust me!”
When Daniel bared his teeth, Logan extended her claws. “You’re about to go to a very dark place. And I cannot allow that! You have to think of your family. Believe me, he won’t get far!”
Daniel took a step back.
“Let me handle this.” Logan urged him.
Daniel turned into human form. “Promise me, you won’t let him get away!”
“I know some people who can track down anyone, anywhere.” Logan gave him an encouraging smile.
Daniel turned around, and walked over to his family, hugging his daughter.
“Hey Logan!” She heard Rhydian’s voice. “This guy’s still alive!”
She turned towards the voice to see Rhydian and Shannon bent over Trent’s body.
“Must have missed the heart then.” She said, more to herself than to anyone, before she walked over to them.
“You are not like them.” Trent told her when he saw her. “You’re special!”
“More than that, I get cranky, when someone shoots me in the face!”
“You’re supposed to be dead!” Trent stated. “I could sense you from miles away. But you’re no werewolf either!”
“I think,” Logan answered, “you already know. You’re a mutant too, aren’t you?”
“What is it? Telepathy?”
Trent looked blank. For a moment, it looked as if he would faint again.
“I can see things. Things others can’t see.” He whispered.
“I see you. You’re not quite what you look like. The things you’ve seen! The things you’ve done!” He coughed now. “Makes me look like a fucking boy scout.”
He gave a painful laugh. “Does she know? Your little pet? Does she know what you are?”
Logan bent over him, her face only inches from his. “You better shut up now!” And she presented one of her claws to him.
Half an hour later, the place was swarming with police. Tom had led the policemen to the scene, and once they had learned that the kidnapping was real, they had immediately called for backup. Of course they were unaware of the real events. And the Detective Inspector who had come to the scene, made sure that it stayed that way. DI Dickenson knew the Smiths, and it didn’t take Logan long to figure out he was a wolfblood to. These people were a lot better integrated into human society then the mutants. On the other hand: They were their own species, and had been around for millennia.
Trent had done his part in covering up the story, by screaming and shouting about werewolves and an indestructible girl while the paramedics took care of his wounds. He was so clearly a madman, that the whole story sounded even more unbelievable when he told it.
“We’re gonna have a hard time, covering this one up.” Dickenson just told Daniel. “You really got yourself into trouble this time.”
“It’s getting harder to stay below the radar.” Daniel answered.
“With all these reports about so called mutants, people are more aware. We really need to be more careful!” Dickenson said.
“Times change.” Daniel nodded.
“People don’t. If they learn about us, they hunt us down. Just like those two.” Dickenson sighed.
“What about the girl?” He pointed towards Logan. “She knows.”
“I’ll take care of that.” Daniel said. “I don’t think she’s a threat.”
“You sure you know what you’re doing?”
“She just saved my daughter’s life, Carl. I owe her!” Daniel shrugged. “Plus, I don’t think you’d be very happy having to deal with her. She single-handedly knocked out two trained killers!”
“All right, have it your way.” Dickenson nodded. “I have to talk to the press, give them a good cover story.”
Later that night, everyone was sitting in the Smith’s living room. Daniel had told Logan the most important parts of the local woldblood history. She had heard about the wild wolfbloods, and that it was paramount to protect them by keeping their secrets. Not that she needed any convincing. Preaching to the choir here, baby!
Logan had called Xavier in New York, and asked him if the X-Men would help finding Earl. The Professor had promised her to look into it.
“I appreciate everything you’ve done for us, Logan.” Daniel just said. “But I cannot stress enough how important it is, to keep this a secret!”
“Dad, you already said that. Three times!” Maddy cried.
“Relax, Mr. Smith!” Logan said coolly. “I can keep your secret. If you can keep mine.”
She lifted a hand, and slowly unsheathed her claws.