Elite: Dangerous
By Zoë A. Porter

Summary: When privateer and space ship commander Anwen Hunter gets a job from the lady in charge, she doesn't know that she is into a lot more than she bargained for.
Pairing: Anwen/Aisling Duval
Rating: PG (13): mild violence, strong language
License: copyright on Elite Dangerous by Frontier Development
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It was night over the capital, and a cool breeze soothed the heat of the day. It gently blew the light curtains and Aisling could see the silhouette of a woman against the pale light of the two moons.
Anwen stood outside and stared at the stars longingly. Aisling got out of bed, wrapped herself in a gown that was hung over a chair and stepped outside. She put her arms around her girlfriend.
“Can’t sleep?” She asked.
“Mmh.” Anwen leaned back into the younger woman’s embrace. Aisling gently kissed her.
“Would you like to come back to bed?” She asked.
Anwen turned around. “I’m sorry, darling. I know I’ve been absent minded lately. I’ll be better.”
They kissed.
“No.” Aisling said gently. “I know what you’re dreaming of. You want to go back out there. To the stars.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t…” Anwen began. But the princess silenced her, by gently putting a finger onto her lips.
“Ssh. Don’t do this to yourself. It’s were you belong, we both know that. I was just so selfish to think I could keep you for myself a while longer.”
“Aisling, I don’t want to go, but…How can I explain this?” Tears welled up in her eyes.
The princess held her girlfriend. “The stars know your name, my love.” She whispered. “And you have no choice but to answer their call. Meredith taught me that.”
Anwen looked in her eyes. “Why don’t you come with me? We could fly out there, across the rim. See the universe.”
The princess shook her head in great sadness. “I can’t. I have too many responsibilities. People do rely on me.”
“It’s the life I know. I have spent my life in a cage, so I never learned to live in the wild. It’s a golden cage, but a cage still. And I’m used to the safety it brings.”
She took a deep breath.
“You, on the other hand, are a wild bird. You long to fly, and keeping you in a cage would be cruel. I’m grateful for the time you gave me, but I can see that you need to spread your wings again.”
Anwen pressed herself againt her girlfriend. “So this is goodbye?”
“Maybe not today. But there is something I need to show you. Get dressed.”
It was still dark outside, when the princess led Anwen to the station. A high-speed train carried them from the palace to the space-port where the planetary guard had its ground headquarters.
When they walked through the hall, Anwen could see the ships that were docked. They passed a window beyond which a brand new ASP Explorer was currently equipped. It was coloured in white and blue, and wore the insignia of the House Duval. The princess saw, how Anwen marvelled at it, like a child in a candy-store, and smiled.
“Come along, dear!” She said, hurrying the commander away from the window.
They walked down stairs towards the docks, with the occasional guard saluting when they passed by, until they ended up in front of a gate that led outside to the docks. Aisling nodded at the guard. The guard saluted, and then opened the gate.
The two women found themselves in the dock, in which the ASP Explorer was prepared.
“This is the Ichnaea, our newest deep space exploration vessel.” The princess explained. “It’s the first of a fleet, that supports our attempts to find new habitable worlds, and resources.”
Anwen walked towards the ship. “Wow, that ship is equipped with everything!”
“You want to have a look inside?” Aisling asked.
“Of course!”
The princess led Anwen inside. The ship was set up to be practical, but it was also equipped with all kinds of luxuries, which make life comfortable when you’re in space for months.
The cockpit lay dormant. Anwen ran her fingers over the controls.
“You want to fire it up?” Aisling asked.
“Are you kidding?” Was Anwen’s reply. “I want to take this baby for a spin!”
“That can be arranged. I was hoping, you’d like her. I still owe you a space-ship, remember?”
Anwen stared at her. “What?”
“She’s yours, if you want her. No strings attached. See her as compensation for all you have been through. And as a token of my gratitude.”
“That’s way to much!”
“I am filthy rich, remmeber? And I own an entire fleet of these things, so I can afford this. Also I know that this ship is in good hands.”
“I don’t know what to say. Thanks.” She put her arms around her friend. “Are you sure?” She asked.
“I’m going to miss you, but yes, I have to let you go. And you know that.”
Aisling hugged her tightly. “Just promise me to be careful, and when ever you’re in the vicinity, come and see me.”
“I promise.” Anwen whispered.
Commander Anwen Hunter had never been one for long goodbyes. Only a few days later she sat in the cockpit of the Ichnaea ready for launch.
“Good morning Commander. It’s a pleasure to be working with you again.” ASTRA’s familiar voice came from the cockpit. Aisling had the remains of the Merope transferred to Cubeo, and the original A.I. of the ship upgraded and installed in the Ichnaea.
“Good morning, ASTRA” Anwen replied. “It’s good to have you back. Feel at home in the new ship?”
“Positive, Commander. I am completely operational and all systems are functioning perfectly.”
Anwen took a last look over to the observation deck. There stood, surrounded by two guards, Aisling Duval. Anwen could see the princess raise a hand and wave. From the distance Anwen could not see if her face was happy or sad. She felt a sting in her heart when she waved back, and blew a kiss to her friend and lover.
“Lakon AWN, you are cleared for take-off. Keep to flight corridor 250.” A voice from her headset announced.
“Copy that, control.” She answered.
“Have a pleasant flight.” The voice from the control center said.
“You heard her ASTRA, let’s go!”
The sadness in her heart was blown away by the excitement as she felt the acceleration of the ship rising into the morning sky. She was home.